One of the most interesting aspects of working with functions in functional programming languages is the possibility to use function composition operator. This means that you can very simply build a function that takes an argument, invokes a first function with this argument and passes the result to a second function. For example, you can compose a function fst, which takes a tuple (containing two elements) and returns the first element in the tuple with a function uppercase, which takes a string and returns it in an uppercase:
> (fst >> String.uppercase) ("Hello world", 123);;
val it : string = "HELLO WORLD"
> let data = [ ("Jim", 1); ("John", 2); ("Jane", 3) ];;
val data : (string * int) list
> data |> (fst >> String.uppercase);;
val it : string list = ["JIM"; "JOHN"; "JANE"]
In the first command, we just compose the functions and call the returned function with a tuple as an argument, however the real advantage of this trick becomes more obvious in the third command, where we use the function composition operator (>>) to build a function that is given as an argument to a map function that we used earlier. The function composition allows us to build a function without explicitly using a lambda function (written using the fun keyword) and when this features are used reasonably it makes the code more compact and keeps it very readable.
> (fst >> String.uppercase) ("Hello world", 123);;
val it : string = "HELLO WORLD"
> let data = [ ("Jim", 1); ("John", 2); ("Jane", 3) ];;
val data : (string * int) list
> data |> (fst >> String.uppercase);;
val it : string list = ["JIM"; "JOHN"; "JANE"]
In the first command, we just compose the functions and call the returned function with a tuple as an argument, however the real advantage of this trick becomes more obvious in the third command, where we use the function composition operator (>>) to build a function that is given as an argument to a map function that we used earlier. The function composition allows us to build a function without explicitly using a lambda function (written using the fun keyword) and when this features are used reasonably it makes the code more compact and keeps it very readable.
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